Driven by a vision to build a unit with combina on of Accuracy and Affordability to deliver a Growing Indian Market. Since 2014 company has grown manifold from Supply and Service of Saw Blade Sharpening Machines from Conven onal Machinery needs. Later on PMP IMPEX has iden fied another wing from conven onal machines and highly sophis cated CNC machines
PMP IMPEX has product basket consis ng of series of
- Semi Auto
- Fully Auto
- NC (Numerical Controlled)
- CNC-Computerized Numerical Controlled
- Brazing and Single Side Grinding Machines
- Automa c TCT Planner Blade Grinders
- Tool and Cu er Grinders for Router Bit & Profile Cu er
- Manual Side Grinder and Brazing Unit
- Consumables Products of
- Glue Applicator
- Pneuma c Hand Trimmer
- Edge Trimmer Manual Type
- Face Grinding Wheel
- Top Grinding Wheel
- Cu ng - Coolant OIL & Lubrica on Exclusively for SAW Blades.

PMP IMPEX decided to compete at the global level and started exploring CNC Machines by establishing distribu on networks in various con nents around the na on. Bangalore based Head Office with vision of delivering the cu ng edge technology in machines with Branch in Mumbai and Manufacturing Unit in Rajkot with expert team oriented to Design and Service delivery. We import the Machines from various countries with our customized need and designing the machines according to our Technical Experience, Market Needs, Feedback of customers by keeping the point of view of affordability and quick service. We deliver customized solu ons to our customer across the Blade Grinding segment in Wood Working, Metal Working Industries and one stop for all Grinding - Re sharpening Needs.
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CHFT-800A Automatic Mulfunconal CNC Grinding Machine
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

CHFT-600B Automatic Mulfunconal CNC Grinding Machine
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

PMP 026A & B Full-Automa C Hydraulic Grinding Machine For Top & Face
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

N6 Saw Blade
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

MF668 Automa C Saw Blade Sharpening Machine
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

MF256A Automa C TCT Planner Blade Grinding Machine
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

MF2720 Tool & Cu Er Grinding Machine
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

Manual Side Grinding Machine
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.

Manual Brazing Machine
This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.
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No. 4, SY No. 8/1E, 1st Floor,1st Main Road,
Veerbhadreshwara Nagar, Hero Halli Village,
Vasai Thane-401208. +91 97261 83878
Rajkot-360024. +91 98251 83878
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