CHFT-800A Automa C Mul Functional CNC Grinding Machine

Advanced man-machine picture, Taiwan Yonghong control systen provides a superior contol core for grinding tools with different tooth shapes and shapes. The control system stores mul ple sets of working programs and can freely combine various tooth shapes. At the same me, the grinding program can be besigned according to the needs of users in the man-machine picture. It can perform and modulate the comprehensive func ons of the equipment, and diaplay its working status through the touch screen. The feeding speed of grinding wheel can be automa cally regulated and replenished in stepless mode, and the automa c tool se ng func on of back angle can be implemented, thus improving the accuracy and workingefficency. This machine is suitable for asw blade produc on and grinding high-pfecision saw blades

Techincal Parameters :

Circular saw blade Grinding wheel
Outer diameter 100-600 mm Outer diameter 125 mm
Inner diameter 10-80 mm. Inner diameter 32 mm
Thickness 10 mm Cooling water pump Single phase 220v/90w
Tooth distance 5 - 5 mm Capacity of coolant tank 130 litres
Sharpness of rear corner 0 - 45 Total work rate 2.0 kw
Top angle pf tooth -45° - +45° Net weight 1050 kg
Tooth surface -5° - +15° Fuselage size length 1300 x width 1000 x height 1820mm,
Total height with indicator lamp is 2420 mm
Grinding stroke 0-25 mm Power Supply 220V/380V (±5%)
Grinding speed Stepless speed change Power Supply
Precision 0.03 mm


This series of fully automatic alloy circular saw blade grinder adopts all-electric (220V/380V optional), which is more environmentally friendly, safer and more reliable.